War Demon Kirstin v1.11

War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port

War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port + Mod by h-game18.xyz

This is a story about a certain “cursed” female general Kirstin struggling to break the curse.
Meeting and parting with various people, lewd sex with males with strong libido, pregnancy and childbirth.
Perhaps no one yet knows what lies ahead at the end of the adventure.​

War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port
War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port
  • AddedA Btn, Mod
  • FixedDirpad
  • ImprovedLag, Compressed

War Demon Kirstin DETAILS

  • RELEASE DATE: 2024-01-19
  • DEVELOPER: Captain Sikorsky
  • VERSION: v1.11
  • LANGUAGE: English (Fan Translation)
  • OS: Windows, Android
  • GENRE: 2D Game, 2DCG, Female Protagonist, Clothes Changing/Dress up, Pregnancy / Impregnation, Childbirth, Violation, Rape, Big Breasts, Censored, Japanese Game, Lactation, Virgin
War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port
War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port
War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port
War Demon Kirstin v1.11 Android Port

War Demon Kirstin FREE DOWNLOAD

Key Mega:


>[Translated][Map143] Vagrant Hangout Spot Rei
>[Translated][Map169] Vagrant Hangout Spot Jinyu
>[Translated][Map170] Flashback Room Rei
>[Translated][Map027] Love Hotel room301 Aria
>[Translated][Map171] Love Hotel room301 3P
>[Updated][Map051] Vagrant Hangout Spot
>[Updated][Map061] Harapania Love Hotel 3F
>[Updated][Map014] Flashback Room
>[Updated] Common Events
>+Polish/Proofreading in Some Parts

Mod Note:

Mod only available on Android:

  • Gold
  • Recovery
  • Stats
  • Lv + 10


  • Support Gamepad
  • One press to move
  • One long press to speed up
  • Two fingers at the same time to open menu
  • Two fingers press during dialogue to hide dialogue box


Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:

  1. Extract/Install.
  2. Crack if needed.
  3. Play game.
  4. Have fun ^^.

15 thoughts on “War Demon Kirstin v1.11

  1. Bạn có thể thêm nút A để nó tự động chạy chát với chỉnh lại cái nút di chuyển thành hình vuông hoạt bấm tay được ko. Khó duy chuyển. Với mỗi lần xem H cứ phải giữ màng hình.

  2. Bro sword demon bargo is broken game you can’t close the game in a hentai scene because then it doesn’t load

  3. Có cách nào để chơi game NTREX Netrarex (Vincent) trên android đc không ad ơi :0

    1. một số lý do khiến trò chơi tiếp tục hiển thị màu trắng sàng lọc tôi vào những thời điểm nhất định ngẫu nhiên. hãy khắc phục nó càng sớm càng tốt😭🙏

  4. After clearing the main story, the lake southwest of Mebuki Village showed that you can pass by boat, but after clicking to confirm, there was no response, leaving only this area that has not been unlocked😭

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