Superheroes Suck v1.976 Public free download at
In the game you’ll play as a man teetering over the edge of boredom right before the opportunity of meta-human abilities comes to rescue him from his day-to-day life, and thrusts him into the crime-fighting theater of being a superhero! Eventually, he needs to meet his team first. Action! Romance! Lewds! All powered by the hamster currently spinning the workout wheel on my rendering machine.

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Change-Log from 1.950 to 01.976:
3 Riley Sandbox Events!
Shorter update in 1.976 because this was the development cycle impacted the most by my vacation. The event chain is very easy to start if you’re caught up, just head towards Riley’s room during the day and the first one should pop! Give Artemisia a visit the following day.
Change-Log from 1.925 to 01.951:
1 Chrys Event!
1 Harper Event!
1 Ferocitease Event!
2 Riley Events!
1 Valentina Event!
Change-Log from 1.900 to 01.926:
- 5 Ferocitease Events!
- 2 Main Story Event!
Change-Log from 1.875 to 01.901:
- 6 Ferocitease Events!
- 1 Main Story Event! Welcome to the Academy!
Change-Log from 1.850 to 01.875:
- 3 Valentina Sandbox Events! The Tactical Cuddling Part 2!
- 3 Main Story Events! Quite large…
Change-Log from 1.825 to 01.850:
- 3 Riley Sandbox Events! The Kitchen Saga!
- 1 Chrys Repeatable Event! Her Night Time Gaming Finale!
- Major Feature: The minimap!
Change-Log from 1.801 to 01.826:
- 3 Patrol Events!
- 1 Chrys sandbox events! The Tactical Cuddle Part 2 Finale!
- 1 Chrys main story event!
- 1 Riley repeatable Event! Thursday Night in her Bedroom
Change-Log from 1.750 to 01.801:
- 1 Riley sandbox event! The Finale for her late night library! Triggered Thursday evening in the Academy Library
- 1 Artemisia story events!
- 2 Chrys sandbox events! The continuation of her cuddle events!
- 3 Valentina main story event!
- 1 Harper repeatable Event! The hiking finale! Trigger Sunday morning in the entrance
Change-Log from 1.700 to 01.752:
- 1 Harper sandbox event! The Finale for her hiking trip! Triggered Sunday morning in the Academy Entrance
- 1 Artemisia story events!
- 1 Protagonist event!
- 2 Riley sandbox events! Triggered during the evening in the library!
- 1 Valentina main story event!
- 1 Riley repeatable Event! The Movie Night Finale! Triggered Tuesday night in the recreation room!
Change-Log from 1.651 to 01.702:
- 1 Riley sandbox event! The Finale for her movie night! Triggered Tuesday night in the Rec Room
- 2 Harper story events!
- 2 Harper sandbox events! Triggered at the Academy entrance in the morning after her most recent events.
- 1 Valentina main story event!
- 1 Valentina repeatable Event! The “Perfect Ten” Finale! Triggered Saturday morning in her bedroom.
- Grammar and bug fixes!
- Fixed a bug where animations faded to black and fails to run!
Change-Log from 1.601 to 01.65:
- 1 Valentina sandbox event! The Finale for her Special Training!
- 2 Main story events!
- 2 Riley sandbox events! Triggered Saturday morning in the gym.
- 1 Chrys main story event!
- 1 Riley main story event!
- 1 Riley repeatable Event! The Cuddle Finale! Triggered if you spend enough time together.
Change-Log from 1.577 to 01.601:
- 1 Riley sandbox events! The Finale for her Tactical Cuddling Part II!
- 1 Main story event! The Interrogation of Lovestruck!
- 2 Valentina sandbox events! Triggered in her bedroom
- 1 Valentina event!
- 2 Harper events!
- 1 Riley repeatable Event! The Sunday morning massage!
Change-Log from 1.551 to 01.577:
- 3 Riley Sandbox Events! This includes the finale of the massage event triggered Sunday morning!
- 2 Main Story events!
- Kelly Clark’s visual overhaul!
- Miranda Keegan’s visual overhaul!
- Bug Fix for the looping garage event!
v1.511 Public
- 1 Riley Main Story Events!
- 3 Riley Sandbox Events! This includes the finale of the weight lifting event triggered Saturday morning!
- 3 Artemisia Events!
- Chrys’ Repeatable Pet Play Event!
- Chrys’ Room has been added
- Chrys’ Original pet play has had a few tweaks
- The Recreation Room has been added!
v1.526 Public
- 1 Chrys Sandbox Event! Triggered by visiting her bedroom Monday afternoon.
- 2 Riley Sandbox Events! You can find these Saturday morning in the gymnasium
1.452 to 01.502:
4 Chrys Main Story Events!
2 Chrys Sandbox Events! Triggered by visiting her bedroom Monday afternoon after finishing her newest events.
3 Artemisia Events!
Change-Log from 1.401 to 01.452:
- 3 Chrys Main Story Events!
- 3 Harper Snippet Events (Tactical Cuddling + Repeatable included)!
- 1 Riley Main Story Event!
- Bug and Grammar Fixes
Hey everyone,
We’re here at the official public release of Superheroes Suck Version 0.60! As you can probably tell from the above change-log, a lot of this update was devoted to fleshing out Riley’s H-content, along with Chrys’ story, for a combined total of 13 animations over four different events! We also have the first official release of the Android version of the game! The animations included are definitely some of my best work, although I’m still trying to improve the “faster” looking animations to look more natural.
This update will cover part two of three for Chrys’ overall first character arc, making her the last character to cross the finish line. These were meant to be asynchronous between the characters, and all of them cover the romantic barriers between the protagonist and ladies. Harper, for example, had a very quick initial arc because there was very little preventing her open infatuation with the protagonist, whereas Chrys’ initial arc has been much more complex. For those of you who are fans of Harper (and Valentina who also falls into this category), don’t worry, her second arc is much larger to make up for this. Each character should have roughly an equal amount of content as development continues.
Oh! A special reminder to all of my patrons to haven’t voted yet: There are still two active polls ongoing! One for whether or not the protagonist should have more (literal) face time, and another deciding the third week of development for the next version of the game and who gets a triple animation H-event! If someone could please break the tie on the character poll, that would be marvelous.
I hope you all had a Happy Halloween! I’m going to gorge myself on leftover candy now, slip into a light sugar-coma, and then get back to rendering. Thank you all for your support!
Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:
- Extract/Install.
- Crack if needed.
- Play game.
- Have fun ^^.