Succum Brewery v0.3.7A + Việt Hóa

Succum Brewery v0.3.7A + Việt Hóa + Android Port free download at

After running out of money mid-transport Catherine is abandoned on the rooftop of downtown mega-skyscraper: Peach Towers.

She has no money, no friends, and no way to get to ground level.

To make matters worse the place is swarming with chuds.

Succum Brewery
Succum Brewery + Việt Hóa

Succum Brewery DETAILS

  • Thread Updated: 2024-11-02
  • DEVELOPER: LimeJuiceGames
  • TRANSLATOR: bien98
  • VERSION: v0.3.7A
  • LANGUAGE: English, Việt Hóa
  • OS: Windows, Android
  • GENRE: 2D game, 2DCG, Female protagonist, Big ass, Big tits, Corruption, Exhibitionism, Teasing, Humor, Management, Mind Control, Rpg, Sci-fi,
Succum Brewery
Succum Brewery + Việt Hóa
Succum Brewery
Succum Brewery + Việt Hóa

Succum Brewery FREE DOWNLOAD

Android Port v0.3.7a:

Key Mega:


  • the <esc> key and therefore opening the game menu is emulated with tapping with 2 fingers on the screen.
  • you can also toggle the textbox with a two-finger-tap™.
  • to open the message back-log use either the game menu entry or swipe left during dialogue/choice/input.
    with swiping up/down you can scroll the log page wise.
    you close the log by swiping right.

Added new upgrade “gentrify sewers” adds chuds to the sewer with a touch mechanic.
Added strip mechanic to the sewers.
Added 5 touch cutin scenes.
Added new scene after getting touched enough times in the sewer.
Added standing pictures for tentacle chud.
Added new poses for Catherine with tentacle chud.
Added background art to the different areas.
New pixel art:
New locations of interest.
New emote bubbles.
New art at and around the bar with signs, chairs, and other small improvements.

Sewer Guide

Buy the collar reader and meet the mechanics in the building behind the bar (using the crowbar).
Wait a few days.
Meet them again.
Buy the scanner.
Place and retrieve the scanner 3 times till it detects the sewer.
Hang out with the chuds after bartending 5 times or give the chud king 5 wallets. Buy the sewer exploration kit.
Wait one day.
Go into the sewers after your shift.
Explore all the rooms (shovel to clear the mess is in the room with the arcade)
Turn on the lights in the tennis court.
Turn the crocodile off in the pool.
Visit the stinky room.
Go back into the sewers to be contacted by the chud king if you haven’t already.
The sewer manhole upgrade should now be available.
There are 3 upgrades with an intro scene for visiting each one and 2 unique scenes at all 3 locations (for now).

Reduced sewer wallets/reputation to 5 from 20.
Added tennis outfit.
Added bikini outfit.
Added gym outfit.
Added new upgrade tree which is unlocked after exploring the sewers.
Added new door in the sewers (the gym go explore it to progress)
Added sewer gym upgrade.
Added two scenes for the gym.
Added sewer pool upgrade.
Added two scenes for the pool.
Added sewer tennis upgrade.
Added two scenes for the tennis court.


Added after waitress scene that takes place before the “put em on the glass” scene.
Added after waitress scene that takes place after “put em on the glass” scene.
Added Waitress Shock skill to guarantee leaving the table… but it resets mood for the low corruption folks out there. Even if you don’t plan on that route use the skill anyone to see the entertaining art.
Added autosave feature. Game now saves anytime you leave the bedroom upstairs. It saves over your current save file! So if you want multiple saves make sure to save to other spots to avoid them getting overridden. I have found a save feature that will have a dedicated save slot, however it will break all saves for everyone. So I won’t implement it till later and I’ll give plenty of advanced notice


Added encourage skill with art. This skill encourages the cyborgs to touch. No more waiting around for them to act.
Added waitress pick pocket skill. Cyborg wallets sell for much more than chud wallets. Will eventually be part of a story.
Added art for the “big” table. The top 2 tables are the big tables and the bottom 2 are the small tables. The big tables have different poses and much more action.
Added a variety of new cut-ins for the waitress game.
Made it so the mini-game doesn’t end on turn 5, but now ends after turn 5 giving one more chance to go to the tables.
Increased the sell price of chud wallets.
Added dialogue for special service skill.
Added dialogue for new pick pocket skill.
Removed masturbate skill showing up on new saves.
Fixed new pick pocket skill showing up early.
Added bartending flirt voice acting.
Added bartending small talk voice acting.
Added bartending spray bottle voice acting.
Added bartending masturbate voice acting.
Added some small sounds to the bartending drinks.


Added sex.
Added generic chuds pixel art.
Testing new plugin to reduce freezing.
Added new scenes to the gallery


Added pixel art for all the women in the game.
Added pixel art for Fedora Chud.
Added pixel art for Working Chud.
Added pixel art for Chongo and Mecha Chongo.
Add cyborg art to cyborg dialogue.
Alexa can now tend the bar.
Art added for two bartending scenes for Alexa.
New after waitress scene for Catherine post waitress mini game.
Two Alexa training scenes added.
Alexa standing picture updated.
Alexa standing picture new outfit.
Some new expressions for Alexa.
Added new scenes to the gallery.


Story Event: All 4 drinks upgraded. The cyborgs take note.
Story Event: Catherine sends out sexier flyers for waitressing.
Art Added: Art for sexy flyers.
Story Event: Upgrade the bar. Catherine sees the new tables and windows.
Story Event: The first day after upgrading the tables bar. Chuds meet the Cyborgs.
Story Event: Topless waitressing.
New Mini-game: Waitress with multiple poses, cut-ins and drink art.
Story Event: Topless waitressing. With high reputation and having worked the bar topless before.
V0.3a release
Fixed Catherine face disappearing.
Fixed Orgasms breaking bar-tending game.
V0.3b release
Fixed social skills now can’t be used in the drink ordering screen.
V0.3c release
Small fixes. Hoping to fix the freezing in the bartending game.
V0.3d release
Added voice lines to training 6.
Fixed error where sewer questline broke.


Added alternate pose to Flirt skill.
Added alternate pose to Tend Bar skill.
Added art to Small Talk skill.
Added art to the Rest skill.
Added Meaningful Conversation skill with art.
Altered Catherine standing pose to add some thickness to her thighs.
Added a new pool table scene. Removed masturbation skill. This now happens on it’s own when Catherine is very aroused.
Separated bar tending arousal and global arousal.
Added voice acting to Training 4.
Added voice acting to Training 5.
Added voice acting to Alexa Game over (with IO’s voice).
Completely re-did economy. Money comes much slower now. Merged the brewing screens into one screen to reduce clicking.


The usual spelling corrections.
ADDED: Untested brewing feedback! If your choices are too high or low it will tell you. More updates will come to brewing as I get it to a place I want it.
Sewer Update: To get to the sewer you have to buy and use all the items from the mechanic shop. Once you get a high enough reputation with Chud King you can “talk” to the Chud King and unlock the sewer prep kit. A few days after buying it you get an outfit from IO and you can explore the sewers.
New Map Sewer Main Drag
New Map Sewer Junk Room
After bar activities and giving wallets to the Chud King now give Chud King reputation.
A reputation of 20 is needed for the Chud King to allow sewer exploration.
Added Sewer Exploration Kit
Art added Catherine now has an updated and much nicer sprite.
Art added for sewer exploration outfit.
Art added for two new scenes at the pool table.
Art added for three new scenes at the arcade.
Added lots of dialogue in the sewer exploration.
Other sewer rooms hinted not in this update.
NOTE: If you already got the Sewer Exploration Kit in a previous save then the game is sadly not save compatible! Check the thread for an updated save link or find it in the Discord.

Every day Catherine works a shift at the bar serving drinks. The better she serves drinks the more the bar’s reputation grows. She can make shifts last longer and keep the customers around by making small talk, flirting and more. The more aroused the customers get the more IO learns about human desires.

When reputation is high enough the bar can be upgraded in a variety of ways. In addition to the bar game Catherine can also look for clues and options to make friends, get money, and try to escape the rooftop if she so chooses.


Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:

  1. Extract/Install.
  2. Crack if needed.
  3. Play game.
  4. Have fun ^^.

5 thoughts on “Succum Brewery v0.3.7A + Việt Hóa

  1. Tôi nghĩ admin nên sửa cái phần bình luận đi vì tôi thấy có nhiều game không có phần bình luận sửa để mấy người khác thông báo game như thế nào vì nhiều người không có biết email của admin đâu ok mong admin sẽ sửa phần bình luận

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