Room Girl R1.4 Việt Hóa free download at
Simulate life in 3D!
All the freedom you need to create your own hyper-realistic 3D character!
Become a part of her life and control everything to your liking in the ultimate life simulator!
Watch over her, guide her, and give her the best life that you can!

- – RELEASE DATE: 2023-01-04
- – DEVELOPER: Illusion
- – VERSION: R1.4
- – LANGUAGE: Japanese, English (MTL), Việt Hóa
- – OS: Windows
- – GENRE: 3D Game, Animated, Big Tits, Character Creation, Cosplay, Romance, Teasing

Updated in Room Girl Release 1.4:
(*) = Optional mod (**) = Utility (x) = Hardmod
- Added cmd to remove hardmods
- Unified Studio and Main game BepInEx
- Applied official update roomgirl02plus1028g3gk8_sub
- Applied official update roomgirl02plus1111fd4q3_sub
- Applied official update roomgirl02plus1216w4gz_sub
- Applied compression to base game files, provides space saving for users downloading the full pack
- Added 100% save (by bytemask)
- Added BogusThings’s RG_PovX v0.0.2 (*)
- Added BogusThings’s RG_Workaholics v0.1.0 (*)
- Added Cur144’s DLC Golden set remap (x)
- Added Cur144’s Pubic hair from Koikatsu (x)
- Added Cyberbeing’s GraphicsSettingsIL2CPP v0.7.2
- Added hawkeye-e’s RG_ActionPatches 20221122 (*)
- Added hawkeye-e’s RG_HSceneCrowdReaction v0.1
- Added KKY’s HairMeshforAll v1.1.0
- Added KKY’s RG_StudioCharaSort v1.1.0 (*)
- Added KKY’s ScreenshotX Plugin v1.0.0-Studio
- Added Mikke’s StudioUtils v0.1
- Added SpockBauru’s RG_Cheats v1.0
- Added SpockBauru’s RG_LockHMenu v0.2
- Updated XUnity.Autotranslator IL2CPP to v5.2.0
- Updated EN and CH translations to v0.2
- Updated Marco’s KKManager to v0.20.1
- Removed SpockBauru’s GraphicsSettingsIL2CPP v0.7 (Superceeded)
Release 1.3:
(*) = Optional mod (**) = Utility (x) = Hardmod
- Applied official update roomgirl02plus1014cs9rp_sub
- Applied official update roomgirl3roomstudio
- Bundled Illusion demo scenes from official uploader
- Duplicated all plugins for studio
- Updated IllusionLaunchers to v3.3.2
- Updated enimaroah’s SB3U to v22.3.6
Cài đặt cho bản việt hóa:
- Các bạn tải hai part về sau đó giải nén part 1 bằng Winrar hoặc 7zip.
- Game đã cài sẵn fix patch nên sau khi giải nén xong thì tìm file “InitSetting.exe” mở lên và chơi thôi.
Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:
- Extract/Install.
- Crack if needed.
- Play game.
- Have fun ^^.