Nekohana Love Crisis v0.2.2 Android Port by
This is a story about a crisis in a Beast Nation that involved Monster Girl being forcefully put into “heat”. Now it´s up to you to help the local to solve this Major crisis before it spreading across the Nation of “Nekohana”. Subdue the girl in sexual act to break the Love spell, befriending them and who knows, something good might happend.

Nekohana Love Crisis Details

Nekohana Love Crisis Free Download
Key Mega:
- Added 2 New Party Member. Kiyohime and Noel
- Added 3 new Set of CG
- Added a new Sidequest. Talk to Ryuuzaki after Kiyohime joined.
- Added a new mechanic. You can now switch MC gender. Talk to Kumama after the first briefing and choose: something else
- Added a Item that can one shot enemy for player that just want to rush through. Talk to a NPC in front of the Shrine
- Added a Blacksmith.
- Added a second floor to Kumama Inn
- Added a new Area: Sakura Well
- To recruit Noel. Head to the mine above Kumama Inn after the new Sidequest.
- Added a new Area: Sakurazaki Village.
- Continue with the Story Quest. Lore dump incoming.
- Added 2 New Character. 1 Set of CG with 1 New Character.
- Added a new Sidequest + New CG. To access it, complete the first Main Quest and speak to Shiki.
- Rework of the entire game. Switch engine from MV to MZ
- Rework of the plotline and a lot of new added dialog
- Add CG gallery to the game.
- Add Recollection Room to the game. Accessible through the Old Book inside the shrine after recruiting Nadeko.
- There are a few optional Scene scattered around that will give more insight to the world building. Some are missable.
- Added 2 new H-scene (Finished the previously WIP scene)
- Remove interractable object sparkle. You can still interract with.
- Partial new map has been added.
To avoid problem with the old save I advise you to start over from scratch since it´s not that much to catch up to the current build.
- Initial Release
This is a character and story focus game so it´s a slow burn type of game where sexual act are not immediately accessible.
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