Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port

Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port

Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port by

Kirumi… a girl who mysteriously disappeared from school without a single trace left behind. After a few months, the entire school’s been cursed, and now it’s up to you to undo it… or digest trying.

Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port
Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port


  • – RELEASE DATE: 2023-11-19
  • – DEVELOPER: Egads
  • – TRANSLATOR: None
  • – VERSION: 2.3.1
  • – LANGUAGE: English
  • – OS: Windows, Android
  • – GENRE: Female protagonist, 2d game, Vore, RPG, Horror, Big tits
Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port
Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port
Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port
Kirumi v2.3.1 Android Port



Kirumi is an RPG Horror Vore Game made in RPG Maker MZ that was inspired by the horror game Misao.
I’ve always wanted to try and make a horror game with vore elements and now I think it’s about time I give it a shot! Hope you all are prepared for the ride~

Also, please consider joining our Discord server!

I highly recommend finishing the game at least once before checking these
After gaining control of your character, you’ll want to leave the classroom, and start the first encounter by going left in the hallway. Run away in the opposite direction of the spirits, then in the next room, run down the stairs. When you get to the next and last room, make your way to the top part of the room and enter the door that is lit up.
From here, there are several things you can do in any order you want, but some encounters need a specific item. If you follow my guide, you won’t have to worry about that, though.The game has indicators to lead you to the Library first, but you don’t have to go there first. You will have to do it eventually for one of the endings.
Go to the teacher’s room on the first floor by the vending machine and talk to Otome. You have to talk to her to trigger an event later.
Go to the second floor and go in Classroom 2-A and open the right locker in the back of the room to let Rhoda out. You cannot have a full belly here, otherwise it’ll lead to a game over.
Go to the Infirmary on the first floor and talk to Rhoda to get Coins.
Go to the vending machine on the first floor and use the Coins to get the Soda Can. Be sure to equip the Coins first before using them.
Go back to the Infirmary on the first floor and talk to Rhoda again. She will give you Kirumi’s Skirt.
Go to the Library and talk to Miss Library. Agree to be her friend and give her a different name if you want to. Then go to the back right of the room and examine the open space there. It is a door that leads to Library’s room. Investigate the girl sleeping on the bed and then talk to Library again in the previous room to learn about Akari. Equip the Soda Can and then go back to Library’s Room and talk to Akari on the bed.
Go to the right hallway on the second floor (just go right after leaving the Library). Take the stairs that lead to the third floor. Take the stairs that lead to the attic and obtain the Salt from the end of the room. When you get the text box that your phone turns off, keep going down until you exit the attic. Make sure to press down AFTER the text box is closed, otherwise you won’t move and will get a game over.
On the third floor, go to the right part of the room to go to the right hallway. Keep going to reach the rooftops and open the chest there for Kirumi’s Underwear. Do the QTE to escape the spirit.
Go down the stairs from the third floor and then go to the right part of the room to go to the Lab.
Talk to Shino which will trigger the Doctor Encounter. Talk to Shino again to eat her and end the encounter.
Examine the metal cabinet near you which is shimmering now to get the Gloves.
Go to the first floor and go into the Girl’s bathroom. Go to the toilet on the right and examine it with the Gloves equipped to obtain the Belly-shaped Key. Avoid the bathroom ghost on your way out.
Go to the second floor and go to the left part of the room to go to the left hallway. Equip the Salt and investigate the stained spot on the floor, then continue to the left to the Piano room. (if you can’t see it, try going to the left and observe where the spirit pops up when the screen fades.)
In the Piano room, go to the desk with the open book on it, and wait for the spirit to thank you for listening to her play. A chest will appear. With the Belly-shaped Key equipped, open the chest to get the Baseball Bat.
Go to the first floor and go to the back part of the room to go Outside. Examine the well to the left of the area to go to the Underground. Equip the Baseball Bat and break the rocks in your way. When you break the third one, immediately run back and turn left or right the first chance you get to avoid the underground ghost.
Continue to the end of the room and examine the sign above the water to digest Shino. A hole in the wall will appear. Go in the hole and open the chest to get the Acid Potion and Kirumi’s Top.
Go to the first floor and go up the stairs that leads to the hallway with Igawara’s room and enter the room on the right to go to the Break room. Make sure to have the Baseball Bat equipped and examine the plant in the middle of the room. Pick the option to destroy it and get the Emergency Exit Key.
Go to the right hallway of the first floor and continue to through the door. Make sure you have the Emergency Exit Key equipped and proceed through the room to the door at the end.
Witness the scene where Otome gets eaten. Then equip the Acid Potion, and then talk to the spirit. She will then give you Kirumi’s Tie.
Go to the first floor, and go down to reach the Down hallway. Enter the door on the right to lead to the Underground. Proceed through the tunnels without being spotted by the dolls. When you get to the last room, open the chest to get Kirumi’s Backpack.
Go back to the Down hallway and go in the door on the left to get to the Doctor’s office. Get the Note on the wall on the left part of the room. (If you came here with a big belly, there will be another encounter with the Doctor. Don’t interact with anything, and she’ll leave you alone) Proceed to exit the room, and get teleported to a dark hallway. Keep running down and do not stop for anything to escape.YOU’LL BE BACK~
Go to the second floor and go back to the Lab. Examine the computer on the right part of the room and enter the code on the Note. It should be randomized, so I can’t help you here. The door on the top part of the room will unlock and you can go through it to get to the Secret room. Go to the door in the back and open the chest in that room to get Kirumi’s Shoes.
Go to the first floor and go to the back of the room to go Outside. Enter the building in the back of the area to get to the Ritual room. Examine the chest at the back of the room.
Go back to the first floor and go up the stairs that lead’s to the hallway with two doors. Enter the door on the left to go to Igawara’s room and then talk to her.
From here, you can do one of two things to lead to the Good or Bad end.
Bad End – Go to the second floor and go in the Library and enter the door there to go to Library’s room. Examine Akari and then choose to eat her. Go back to the first floor and go out the back door to get Outside. Go to the building in the back to get to the Ritual Room. Examine the box in the back of the room. Congrats? You beat the game and got the Bad End. Nice going.
Good End – Go to the first floor and go in the Infirmiry and examine Rhoda. Choose to eat her. Go back to the first floor and go out the back door to get Outside. Go to the building in the back to get to the Ritual Room. Examine the box in the back of the room. Congrats! You beat the game and got the Good End! Everyone’s Happy! Maybe.
True End – After getting the Good End, you can select “Truth” from the main menu. Everything there is pretty straight forward, no need for complex thinking here. Just do what you can and you’ll get to the end. Congrats! You beat “Truth” and got the True End. Along with maybe some feels.

Special End – I can make your “Good End” even better if you want~ Just meet me in the Doctor’s Room and accept my offer~ You won’t regret it, I promise~

Tag consolation prize – Get caught by the spirits chasing you outside the starting classroom.
For every rose, a thorn – Inspect the plant in the break room next to Igawara’s room.
Well, this is awkward – Look behind you while going to the emergency exit in the first floor right hallway.
Curiosity killed the student – Open the locker in classroom 2-B on the second floor.
Library snacks – Refuse to be Miss Library’s friend.
Judge this particular book by its cover – Read “The Book of Vore” in the Library in the room where Akari is sleeping.
The price of a QTE failure – Fail the quick time event on the rooftops in the third floor right hallway.
Haven’t I seen you before?* – Talk to the person standing on the roof.
*This can only happen after opening the roof chest and escaping the spirit there.
Peckish paintings – Inspect the topmost art easel in the art room on the third floor.
Predators in mirror are hungrier than they appear – Inspect the mirror in the art room, before or after it calls to you, and do not resist.
A totally non-youtuber related fear – Get caught by a womannequin in the attic on the third floor.
How rude* – Leave your seat in the middle of the ghost’s piano song in the piano room on the second floor.
No one likes a show off* – Play the piano in the piano room on the second floor
*You’ll need the salt from the attic to get in the piano room.
Stuck between a door and a wet place – Try to open the locked door in the lab on the second floor.
Slow reaction time – Make no attempt to hide from the doctor in the lab on the second floor.
Guess you didn’t fit – Hide in the metal cabinet when the doctor comes in the lab on the second floor.
Out of the frying pan, into the stomach acids – Jump in the hole when the doctor comes in the lab on the second floor.
A strange place to play* – Get caught by the bathroom ghost in the girl’s bathroom on the first floor.
*You’ll need the gloves from the Lab to get the belly key from the toilet, which makes the ghost appear.
Yui was not the imposter* – Open the locker in classroom 2-A on the second floor with a belly full of Shino.
*You’ll need to eat Shino in the Lab before coming here.
The reaction time of a potato – Get caught by the spirit in the Underground area from outside the first floor.
Gurin looking a little sus* – Talk to Gurin(?) in the storage room on the third floor.
*Can only happen after giving the acid potion to the spirit outside the emergency exit.
Yui? YUI?! YUUUUIIII!!!! – Get spotted by one of the patrolling dolls in the Underground on the first floor down hallway. (fun fact, there’s three different colored dolls to be eaten by here.)
Let sleeping dolls lie – Inspect the lone stationary doll in the Underground on the first floor down hallway.
Bed and breakfast – Hide inside one of the sleeping dolls for too long in the third room of the Underground.
Don’t know why you thought that was a good hiding spot* – Hide where the note was when the doctor comes back to the doctor’s room in the first floor down hallway.
Guess you didn’t fit here either* – Hide in the metal cabinet when the doctor comes back to the doctor’s room in the first floor down hallway.
*The doctor only comes back here if you still have a belly full of Shino. Also after the Lab encounter.
Something terrible approaches…* – Take the note in the doctor’s room on the first floor down hallway and get caught by HER ACCEPT YOUR FATE AS BOOB FAT~.
*Can only go in the doctor’s room after the encounter in the lab.
Never let your guard down. EVER – Get caught by the spirit that rushes you when you try to go into the unlocked secret room in the Lab
Against your better judgement – After getting Kirumi’s shoes in the little room of the secret room, go back out to the main part of the secret room and and and andandand- Something went into the closet there~ You should DEFINITELY inspect it~


  • Support Gamepad
  • One press to move
  • One long press to speed up
  • Two fingers at the same time to open menu
  • Two fingers press during dialogue to hide dialogue box


Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:

  1. Extract/Install.
  2. Crack if needed.
  3. Play game.
  4. Have fun ^^.

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