Desert Stalker v0.17.1.2 Steam + Adan&Ripson’s Multi-Mod by
Inspired by the Fallout and the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series, this game offers an original storyline, involving different factions and side-stories that explore romance, violence and everything in between, sprinkled with a lot of adult oriented content. It has been a long since the apocalypse.
You play as a Desert Stalker who scours the violent remnants of an civilisation scattered through sand dunes and destroyed cities in what was once the former Egypt.
The aftermath of the war still plagues the lands even after so long, and although your family at home offers a safe and calm haven, you will occasionally be thrown into harsher environments.
How you treat others is up to you, as is what alliances you forge, what activities you participate in, and whether you are a self-centered or a more generous character.

Desert Stalker DETAILS

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Key Mega:
Key Mega:
– Fixed an issue with the gallery scenes having the same hint
– Fixed an issue with the new car event triggering too early (should also resolve the incorrect jump within the event)
– Fixed an issue with Kyra’s trip to Adira being locked out if you visited her in the basement and told her to wait
– Fixed an issue with the Codex screen not being draggable on PC/Mac
– Fixed an incorrect jump in Emilia’s introduction scene which would cause the game to continue to the next scene automatically.
– Fixed an incorrect flag for some dialogue variation in Emilia’s introduction
– Fixed a flag not being set correctly during Nadia’s market scene
– Fixed a missing blocker for Shani’s repeatable sparring session
– Fixed a replay scene (“Foreign Affairs”) that couldn’t be unlocked in the gallery
Full Release
v0.17 Beta: New Content (1,160 renders):
– A new mutants mission
– Pepper’s examination (multiple steps, repeatable)
– Sparring with Shani (repeatable)
– Invite Igor & Savana again (repeatable)
Reworks (~900 renders)*:
\* The reworks listed below are almost solely visual upgrades, not story changes
– d2e (Shani’s first adventure)
– d2f (Back from the pyramid)
– d3b (Night market visit)
– d3c (Shani and MC in old Cairo)
– d4a (Kyra in basement)
– d5b (First mutants visit)
– d5c (First raiders vist, including a 100-render extension)
– d5e (Kateryna & Igor’s first visit)
– d6a (Kateryna’s city visit)
– Migrated to RenPy 8.3.3
– Added the ability to track quests so it’s easier to see where exactly you need to go
– Made content flags persistent and available to change in the Options menu
– Added the ability to upload/download saves using the Renpy Sync feature
– Streamlined most of the quests
– Completely reworked the underlying Event System
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
Added new animations in Zahra date scene
Added new animations in Lirah’s duty path
Added new animations in Shani’s repeatable workout scene & Emilia kitchen scene
Fixed a bug where dismissing the Queen’s question during the second arena event would continue the scene as if the player answered
Added non-sexual options when speaking to Talia at the end of the Freedom or Duty questline
Fixed a wrong condition where you could trigger Nadia and Rabiah visiting while Shani is in the Zone
– Fixed Lirah’s quest not starting under certain conditions (for real this time, I hope)
– Fixed an old corner case where playthroughs that started in version 0.12b didn’t have subsequent save compatibility fixes applied.
– Fixed grammar errors and typos that were reported
– Updated the Italian translation to 0.16 (courtesy of Eagle1900)
Added many missing renders & render variations
Fixed renders with clipping issues
Fixed Lirah’s quest not starting under certain conditions (hopefully should cover all cases)
Fixed an issue with Fairy’s introduction causing the game to flow back to the main menu or random scenes
Fixed an incorrect world map marker instance
Fixed a wrong name interpolation in Kateryna’s scene
Fixed a wrong variable check in the Queen’s bedroom scene
Fixed a variable not having a default state
Fixed a dialogue branch if you don’t choose any of the Lirah paths
Fixed grammar errors and typos that were reported
0.16 Beta: New Content (~1,250 renders):
Igor visiting the house
Date with Zahra
Lirah’s questline (multiple events)
Minor additions:
Added a continuation of the repeatable massage event with Shani
Emilia can now service you while you’re eating in the kitchen
Added another way for Ain to wake you up if you sleep in Zahra’s bed
Added hints to locked gallery items
Reworks (~150 renders)*: * The reworks listed below are almost solely visual upgrades, not story changes
d1c (Ain’s intro)
d1d (Shani’s intro)
d2a (Ivy’s escape)
d4c (Shani’s workout)
d4f (Ain’s new room)
d5a (Shani’s massage)
d5f partial rework (Abrax’s intro)
d5h (Lirah delivers Emilia)
Minor changes / Bugfixes
Fixed a wrong name interpolation for in Kateryna’s quest log
Fixed a wrong objective description in “All in the family”
Fixed a missing condition for d13k (the player needs to have romanced Shani for it to be available now)
Fixed a bug in the Fairy introduction where under certain conditions the script would continue into the void
Fixed a couple of instances in the home screen where people were showing up incorrectly
Fixed a missing variable check in the bunker when playing as Shani that made examining the device option inaccessible
– Updated Italian translation to 0.15c
– Updated Russian translation to 0.15c
– Added some bloody animation variants in Kateryna’s first time
– Fixed a corner case where if you met and denied helping the Mutants, some checks for reaching the end of current content would fail
– Fixed some missing icon markers for first time of Pepper and repeatable Hive scenes
– Fixed being able to sleep with Shani if you haven’t romanced her. The option should be disabled now.
– Fixed some noisy renders in d13l
– Added whipping sounds in Fairy’s broken scene
– Fixed various typos and grammar errors
– Added some missing animations in Nadia/Ain’s scene
– Two stray replay scenes have found their way back into the gallery (we have accidentally mislabeled them, causing them to vanish)
– Fixed an issue where the Raiders quest wouldn’t trigger the next step to show on the quest log
– Fixed a missing quest log resolution for Ivy’s quest
– Fixed various reported typos and grammar issues
– Added some missing animations in Shani’s and Nadia/Ain’s scenes, more to come
– Added Shani licking her fingers at the end of the Kateryna/Shani harem event.
– Fixed a wrong condition in Shani’s harem button, causing a soft-lock if Kateryna hasn’t joined the house
– Fixed a crash in Replay gallery when trying to access the Zeta tab
– Fixed a couple of instances where old saves would fail to update properly
– Fixed a mistyped replay check in d9c
– Added a missing tooltip in “Sleep with Shani” button
– Fixed various typos and grammatical errors
v0.15 Beta
New Content:
– Nadia visiting the house
– Sekhmet’s Legion pt. 1 (Raiders quest)
– Shani in the terrace (leading to a repeatable scene)
– You can now sleep with Shani
– Visiting Ivy
– Small repeatable Fairy scenes for her broken path
– Harem scene (Shani/Kateryna)
Minor additions:
– You can be woken up by different people when you sleep with your wife
– Added a few overlay variations in the home overview to make it feel more alive
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
– (Hopefully) Fixed all occasions where animations played on top of each other, causing lag/choppy animations.
– Added animated backgrounds for home overview and world map
– Fixed a really long-standing bug, where under certain conditions the player would never meet Fairy
– Added a missing marker in world map button and Palace for the first Queen visit
– Added a missing marker in world map button and mutants lab for the Pepper scene
– Added a missing marker in Palace for the second Queen visit
– Fixed an issue with d13i marker being shown, but the event not accessible yet because the settlement quest was not finished
– Removed the requirement of Ivy not being scared for Hive mission pt. 2
– Fixed an issue with Kateryna’s introduction happening before getting the new car
– Fixed a wrong variable check when discussing with Shani about the Zone, causing Ivy’s notes to be referenced even if you haven’t seen the event
– Fixed an incorrect variable check, causing Shani to be injured after returning from the Zone even if she actually wasn’t
– Fixed being able to go to the scout mission in the Zone before doing Abrax’s quest
– You can’t sleep with Ain or massage her if she’s in the basement anymore
– Fixed a small interaction appearing while Shani is actually in the Zone
– Fixed a missing variable definition for the thug execution scene, potentially causing errors later on
– Added an 1-day cooldown between the Hive mission parts
– Added the option to avoid hugging the Queen in the Palace bedroom
– Added the option to avoid checking out the Queen during d14d
– Fixed a missing jump if you deny the servant in the second planning event with the Queen
– Fixed “Public Servants” replay from missing an end for one of the paths, causing the game to crash.
– Improved the animation quality of d9c-37 (Thug girl)
– Ain sometimes took her choker off in the plaza date scene. Now she knows better
– Fixed some dialogue inconsistency when the player sleeps with Ain
– Fixed an incorrect image variant in Pepper’s repeatable scene
– Fixed missing background lighting in a couple of Mantis’ training scene renders
– Fixed Nadia’s slave dress clipping in the dress-up scene
– Fixed some incorrect image variants in Fairy’s introduction
– Fixed an incorrect image variant in Ain’s punishment scene
– Fixed some potential small stutter each time you start a new day
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
– Added a new Zahra animation in the Kateryna scene
– Various typos and grammar fixes
– Fixed an incorrect sayer in Asha’s settlement interaction
– Fixed a couple of instances where Fairy’s new name wasn’t interpolated properly
– Fixed an incorrect sayer in the settlement whore scene
– Fixed an incorrect image condition in Fairy’s introduction scene depending on whether Kateryna has joined the house or not
– Fixed Shani incorrectly showing up in the Emilia/Fairy harem scene if she hasn’t yet returned from the Zone
– Made the Queen’s palace interactions available only after the thermae scene to avoid out-of-order event references
– Fixed a variable not being set to True when Kateryna joins the household
– Made a small interaction between Ain and Kateryna available only if Kateryna has joined the household
– Fixed some incorrect markers on the world map button in the home menu
– Added an in-game option to toggle censorship/sharing on or off (currently under Edit Details)
– Added the option to rename Fairy & Kitty in Edit Details after you chose their name the first time
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
– Improved the quality of the Emilia/Fairy harem animation
– Added train animations at the start of the Decayed scene (We like trains)
– Fixed a flag for the water woman in the settlement that caused the outcome dialogues to be reversed
– The player now finds out Fairy’s name if they got her from the trader
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
– Hotfix for crash in the Palace
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
– Added some missing animations in Kateryna’s scene, Emilia/Fairy harem scene and Asha repeatable scene
– Fairy’s & Kateryna’s introductions now won’t happen as long as Shani is in the Zone
– Fixed rolling back after loading a save that caused a revent in the variable updates. Now rollback is blocked prior to that point
– Fixed Zahra’s name not being interpolated in Kateryna’s quest objectives
– Kateryna’s introduction shouldn’t happen if you denied her
– Fixed Asha talking while being knocked out in the intro scene
– Fixed misspelled variable in multiple places
– Fixed being unable to visit Raiders camp after seeing the settlement aftermath, blocking the player from Asha/Kitty
– Made Ain’s room available again
– Fixed some button markers related to settlement events being enabled prematurely without the actual events being available
– Asha/Kitty are now not accessible in Raider camp before the General and Kitty are captured
– Fixed inconsistency in Queen’s dialogue regarding the Thermae scene
– Fixed missing flag checks in Queen’s palace scene
– Fixed Emilia appearing in Kateryna’s introduction event even if the player denied her and added an alternative branch
– Added an Italian translation up to 0.14 (courtesy of Eagle1900)
v0.14 Beta
Added scenes & events:
– Kateryna’s introduction to the house (2 parts)
– Decayed visit
– Asani visit
– Fairy’s introduction
– Series of small events at Queen’s palace
– Settlement aftermath events
– Repeatable interactions with Asha & Kitty
– Harem scene (Emilia/Fairy)
– Brief interactions when you enter Ain or Shani’s room
Minor changes / Fixes:
– Added End Of Content screen variations
– Updated the Spanish translation to 0.13 (courtesy of Darax)
– Added Indonesian translation up to 0.12 (courtesy of Genkho)
Reworks and Revisions:
– d5g (Ain’s punishment)
Minor changes / Fixes:
– Updated the main menu animation
– Added library entries for Fairy, Sharifa, Igor and Asani
– Updated the library text and pictures for most entries
– (Hopefully) fixed an issue with the Her Majesty & Till Death Do Us Part quests not updating properly. Now event order and quest log should align.
– Added a small variation in Shani’s return depending on she was wounded or not
– Added some dialogue variation for the settlement discussion at the Palace if the player has not helped the Raiders
– Made the overpass settlement arrows a bit more distinct, as some players had trouble noticing them the first time.
– Fixed another (rare) potential soft-lock in the apartment scene
– Fixed a bunch more text and typos
– Fixed some render inconsistencies with Rabia’s necklace in previous events
– Added some missing animations in the Thermae scene
– Fixed a soft-lock under certain conditions in the apartment
– Fixed a wrong game jump from the Palace scene
– Fixed the main menu music not stopping when loading into a game
– Fixed logical dialogue errors
– Fixed various typos
– Fixed a bug where the cutscene marker wouldn’t disappear on a game over in the fight sequence
– Fixed some render inconsistencies
– Added library entries for Zion and Kitty
– Removed the inability to scroll back during the apartment event after realizing it wasn’t the best idea. Nice try though
v0.13 Beta
New Content:
– Added scenes:
– Ending of Shani’s quest in the Zone
– 10+ scenes that follow Shani’s return and aftermath
– Harem scene (Emilia/Ain)
Reworks and Revisions:
-d4d (Talia & Lirah encounter)
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
– Replace some music tracks
– Added a “content end” notification
New Content:
– Added scenes:
– Continuation of Fairy’s questline
– Continuation of Rabiah/Nadia’s questline.
– Harem scene (Zahra solo)
– Harem scene (Emilia solo)
– Ain/Emilia in Ain’s room
– Ain in the hallway
– Added 1 small event:
– Repeatable Hive Queen visit
Reworks and Revisions:
– d1e (Zahra’s introduction)
Minor changes / Bugfixes:
– Kyra’s basement content should now not block other basement content
– Fixed a long-standing bug where you couldn’t get Fairy from K&K if Ivy was dead
– Turned Ivy back to Igor in the Kateryna visit scene
– Replaced Ivy’s music theme in previous scenes
– Various text corrections and typos
Desert Stalker will be a reasonably open gameplay experience that encourages multiple playthroughs with different optional paths like many classic roleplaying games. The game has an optional censor to hide controversial content like gore and excessive violence. If you like the idea of what I’m working on, feel free to support me through patreon or subscribestar. Cheers!
– Storytelling that focuses on a solid plot as well as the everyday life at home
– Optional filters to avoid almost all kinds of non-vanilla content
– Some of your decisions will ultimately alter the way the story goes
– Fully covered music and sound effects bringing more atmosphere to the game
– Freely selectable events and missions through the world map; no grinding mechanics whatsoever
As the game progresses, I am investing in the necessary resources to make it as pretty and engaging as I can. Paying for those improvements is where the bulk of your contributions come into play.
Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:
- Extract/Install.
- Crack if needed.
- Play game.
- Have fun ^^.
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MERRY CHRISTMAS, MAN!!! Thank you so much for your work and all the free stuffs you give us every single day. I wish you these holidays will be as sweet and awzom as you! Take care and rest sometimes you totally deserve it!
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