Daughter of Essence v1.2 Android Port + Mod by h-game18.xyz
In Daughter of Essence, you play as Mercy a young woman who just wants to be free. Free from obligation, free from the oppressive watchfulness of her family, and free from the harsh laws of the empire. As one of the only living daughters of essence, however, freedom is not so simple. The Oldlight empire and the Church both want her captured, and countless other factions want her strange gifts for their own gain.
To be truly free, you must be willing to sacrifice.

Daughter of Essence Details

Daughter of Essence Free Download
Key Mega
Hope there are no errors.
- Added new armored Mercy portraits and sprites (normal, fishing, riding and battle sprites)!
- Added Steam Achievements!
- Added new gauges and an improved HUD to the final siege for better transparency
- Updated a number of different scenes with new dialogue
- Performance Improvements and updated engine
- Added new voice lines to some of the endings
- Added a plugin to halt the in-built fast-forward function of RPG Maker during certain cut-scenes (I believe fast-forward was causing image-related crashes on some lower-spec machines. Hopefully we will see much less of these now)
- Marlan’s Guard-Breaker now correctly removes Stone Spines, making the ejderha fight nicer
- Fixed an issue where Feodor’s unconscious form would vanish after leaving the Aster manor
- Fixed some passability issues
- Fixed an issue where Beatrix scenes could play while in the guest room next door
- Delilah’s room will now be open immediately after she’s recruited
- Fixed an issue where Naomi could either miss with Lotus Shot, or else use it on the wrong target
- Fixed an issue where a line of dialogue could be repeated twice by two separate enemies
- Van Ritter and company are gone from Witchdale after confronting them
- Fixed an issue where cocoa beans weren’t previously healing
- Fixed an issue where the chocolate bar wasn’t properly learned from the recipe book
- Slightly rebalanced final siege values
- Fixed an issue where the Dietrich & Moon scene could be triggered after one of them fell in the siege
- Fixed an issue where the first Vincent & Gertrude scene could be triggered after ch. 8
- Fixed some portrait-related crashes
- Implemented ShadyCorner integration
- Fixed an issue where “Wound Essence” was lost after a respec
- Fixed an issue where Mercy would change rooms in the middle of the post-siege cutscene, resulting in it potentially playing through the siege results again
- Fixed some text runoff issues
- Fixed a potential portrait issue when speaking to Bell in the cove
- Fixed a potential portrait issue when speaking to Piper in Emerald Flats
- Fixed an issue where Gorps could turn transparent while working if spoken to from above
- Fixed a typo where Thorgeir is incorrectly referred to as Vincent in a scene
- Fixed an issue where Beatrix’s sprite could linger after the cutscene with Elijah in Witchdale
- Fixed an issue where it was still possible to enter the Fogsborough smithy after it closes
- Fixed a portrait issue when returning to the Shiveworth docks post Ch. 7
- Fixed an issue where you could get stuck in Fort Wilkes by returning after building a raft
- Fixed an issue where Sodrek repeated old dialogue when returning with the raft
- Fixed an issue where ascending from the Hawk’s Keep sinkhole post Ch. 8 would send you back to pre Ch. 8 Hawk’s Keep
- Fixed an issue where Garland, a member of the Grey Lions, stayed in Hawk’s Keep post Ch. 8
Full changelog
Version 0.94.1
Added the conclusion to the second idol quest
Added more dialogue to NPCs in Aster Village
Added new areas to Aster Valley
Added the Crater area and new cutscenes
Added Qel, the Dreamer. Qel is a giant night essence bird that can be flown around the world map to reach your destination faster!
Updated the world map image to reflect the newly added areas
Fixed a lighting issue in the room with the first golden idol
Version 0.76.3 – 4-6-2019
- Marlan’s Ring can only be stolen once
- After losing to Marlan a second time, the screen will properly fade in
- There is new in-combat dialogue after the first time you fight Marlan
- Marlan’s stats have been tweaked very slightly, and the fight ends one round earlier
- Fixed an NPC appearing in Shiveworth prematurely
Version 0.76 – 3-22-2019
- Revised and added to a number of scene illustrations!
- Added new Oldlight Palace scene
- Added new strangers scene
- Added return to cove and new cove dialogue
- Added new cove scene
- Changed Hallie’s dialogue in the cove before departing for Fort Wilkes
- Marlan now exists in the cove after returning from Southgate
- Fixed an issue where Orus couldn’t equip backpacks in the new save versions of the game
- Removed automatic “Trance” generation, making Mercy’s Trance state slower to earn
- Fixed several typos
- Statue beneath the Eastern Spire now reports the correct combination
Mod Note:
- Gold
- Recovery
- Stats
- Lv + 10
- Support Gamepad
- One press to move
- One long press to speed up
- Two fingers at the same time to open menu
- Two fingers press during dialogue to hide dialogue box
Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:
- Extract/Install.
- Crack if needed.
- Play game.
- Have fun ^^.
Thanks 👍❤️ admin
Can you add recovery,stats and money mod in this game you ported
Please add shift key to this and a way to play fishing minigame, thanks