The Last Necromancer v3.8 Android Port by
After the rise of the Holy Templars, the world has slowly been beset by monsters known as Wildspirits.
After a tragedy, the player finds themselves unexpectedly thrown into a world of dark magic and violence.
Use Magic to defeat all who oppose you and the power of Necromancy to control their corpse for whatever you desire in order to save the world as The Last Necromancer.

The Last Necromancer Details

The Last Necromancer Free Download
Key Mega:
– New Storyline, several new characters
– Minor balancing fixes to make combat less difficult
– changed the music in certain areas.
– changed the resolution of some animations to better fit the screen
– a few map fixes.
-New Storyline, with several new Scenes
-New story, short part
-Added new characters
-new title screen image
Potential errors:
-memory is not being loaded correctly which may lead to several characters potentially having the placeholder sprites still.
-The Mobile Port might not work, let me know if it doesn’t I’ll see if I can make a working version.
–Fixed a memory loading issue which caused the game to be stuck in an infinite loading screen
-Fixed an issue which caused the game to crash on Freya sex scenes.
-Fixed an issue that removed the quest log.
-Fixed an issue where the game wouldn’t start due to missing Actor1.png
-If you wish to continue with 3.2. Go to another rpgmaker game or an older version. Copy img/characters/Actors1.png to you img/characters file.
–The Story continues.
-Added several new items.
-Adjusted the stats for Xana’s blackbook
-Adjusted several weapon stats
-Added new monster sprites
-general bugfixing.
-Changed the size of videos to fit the screen.
Note: 3.1 was only released on patreon. Basically the same stuff baring some small details.
Patreon Update:
I’ve made a patreon! If you want to help contribute to the project, just go here and help support! This could be the start of something beautiful.
Hey there folks. It’s been some time but I’m still here. I’ve been a little busy with some other stuff for quite some time alongside a general lack of interest in working with RPG maker but I’ve still been plugging away. I have no intention of stopping any time soon as, even if it takes a while to update, I still learn some new stuff about game design and even animations while I do it. Like for example, this is the first part where I’ve used the koikatsu timeline to it’s intended effect! So I hope you enjoy, and if you want to know more about the game and converse with me, you can do it here or check in with the patreon.
Hey Folks. Not too much to say except I hope you enjoy the part!
Happy Holidays everyone! This part is a little short but it’s worth it to get an update out this month. I’m going to see if I can try to keep updating every month but there’s no guarantee like always. Like always, enjoy the part and, for those who want the parts earlier, take part in polls or just want to talk with me about things, feel free to follow on me on patreon. Also, in regards to the polls, I will confirm that Shalltear has won. Congratulations. However, our poll on Patreon has Asuna as a victor… and I personally voted for Komi. So, what I plan to do is have the next part be the poll winners be the new zombie slaves plus Komi. I’d also like to mention that, I’ve never actually watched Overlord or Blue Archieve so if you’d like me to reference something, send me a message.
Cheers and happy new years!
Well hey there everyone, it’s been a while since the last update. A lot more things began to take my attention for a while leaving me with not as much time to work on the game as I had. That and general hardware issues but that’s not important. What’s important is that this part is out now. The story continues with newer plots, newer battle systems and newer enemies. If you have any bugs, let me know and I will do my best to fix them. Enjoy!
New update, a new story. This is the start of the next large part of the story as well as a finale for the bonus characters. Don’t worry, they’ll be back around the next story beat or if I need more time for bug fixing. Still a relativly short update but I think this might be a larger story plot then normal so expect it to not be done in one or two parts.
What to expect from the next updates:
– If you see any bugs, let me know and I’ll try and fix them as soon as possible
– A larger continuation of the story
– New enemies (balanced and tested)
– An android port (eventually)
– And of course, more undead chicks!.
So enjoy 3.0!
Update 2.5 is here! And it is a large one! It’s been an experience looking through the comments, taking note of what everyone is saying, and trying to implement it in game and, I’m honestly surprised how much I was actually able to add and I hope it makes the game experience much better for everyone.
As well, I’ve also looked over a lot of what I worked on before and was able to get a new perspective. And by new perspective, I mean that I got to see a lot of bugs and ugly formatting. So I spent a good deal of the update playing through the game from the beginning and fixing the issues I’ve encountered. Are there still some issues? Probably, I really wanted to release it now but I’m certain that a lot of bugs and issues have been fixed.
So, once again, let me know if you run into any issues, look forward to the new poll and I hope you enjoy the Last Necromancer update 2.5! Expect the last bonus girl and the start of Part 3 with the next large update.
Quick update. Just a few quick fixes and some map work. Added a new girl to the polls.
A new update is here! While this is a relatively small update, I was still able to get a lot of small details ironed out and gave me time to figure out what I want to do next. Granted this still took a while but, time flies when your having fun/horny amirite?
Anyways I hope you all enjoy the new update, Raphtalia voters will be eating well but I do hope others will find her to their liking.
So, for the next couple updates, expect the same details: A new girl as well as some potential system improvements. I already have a new poll ready as now our second potential servant will be added in the next update. As well, I have a few questions for you all? While you can definitely expect a replay gallery,
What do you think I should work on in the next update?
-Better sprites
-Bug fixes
-Sound effects/audio
-Changes to animations
-Map fixing
Please let me know if you can. Also, does anyone know how to do a replay gallery in Rpgmaker? also also, can someone make a 100% save and share it? If so thanks.
Lol, probably should have waited a bit before uploading. Hopefully the worse bugs are all gone now. If you see anymore please let me know. Also, The secret missions have now officially begun! However, I’m not sure on what girl to use for the reward so I’ve decided to take my top 3 and have you all bring it to vote. The theme is forest folk so be sure to look at the cards and vote when you can.
Wow! Part 2 is here! I took somewhat of a break for a while so getting back into it hasn’t been as consistent as intended. Nonetheless, I was able to get everything I needed together and got this part out. One things for sure, the further I get with RPGMAKER, the more complicated the whole beast becomes. I do hope I was able to iron out most of the bugs now but I honestly doubt that because since it’s just me, testing isn’t amazing. Please, continue to air your opinions or, if you have any bugs in the comments, it means a bunch and helps me. What coming up next: Mentioned in the changelog, I want to make several extra bonus events that may not exactly be super cannon but, alongside that I intend on going over what’s in the game so far. Maybe making non-Rpgmaker sprites, maybe just general bug-fixing or it could just be adding some scenes to events that might not have had any. So, look forward to that in the future and I hope you enjoy the Last Necromancer part 2!
Thanks for the reception everyone! I’ve taken a lot of what you’ve all said and have made a small update to part 1. If there’s any other bugs or issue please let me know! Additionally, in the next update, I’ll go around adding some extra details to the sex scenes. I forgot to add a few details this time and I didn’t save the positions so I’m going to just do it later. I hope you enjoy 1.2!
First game, if I’m missing something important for RPGmaker games let me know.
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