Legend of Queen Opala II Golden Edition Android Port

It’s a RPG series I’ve been making, using the RPG Maker XP engine, blending RPG elements, exploration and adult content, that mostly focused on Queen Opala, her evil sister Osira and their mother Farah, though the latest entry in the series is branching out …and most importantly, the games themselves will always be free, even…

The elf slave Feinne, why did she sell out her own country? Android Port + Mod

You play as Feinne a half elf half human girl which can transform into a more powerful version of herself (she goes blonde).The game has many routes available.You can also shape her body to your liking while playing. The elf slave Feinne, why did she sell out her own country? Details – RELEASE DATE: 2022-07-23…

Luxury nursing house『Haven』~Busty beauties and geezers~Android Port

The president of Touka Industries, Inc., Ichijyo Touka, has created an ultra-luxury home for the elderly called “Haven”,which provides heavenly services to the wealthy elderly.What those services are? Well, the 10 staff members of “Haven” will show you.In this game, you control the female protagonist, “Kyoko Aihara”, and experience naughty events while working at a…