Amelia Blanchette Falls Over and Over Again v1.24

Amelia Blanchette Falls Over and Over Again v1.24 Android Port + Mod by Young magician Masamune Kashin of the Greatland Kingdom’s Magic Corps, and Amelia Blanchet, are ordered to conduct an undercover investigation at the Caledony Magic Academy. Their mission is to confirm rumors of demon summoning at the academy. Masamune thinks it will…

Fallen ~Makina and the City of Ruins~ APK [Mod+VH]

Fallen ~Makina and the City of Ruins~ APK [Mod+VH] by Rumors of mystery, treasure, and adventurehave been spreading across the land about the Ruins of Gardona. It has brought many travelers and adventurers to the city, including the Blazing Haired Makina, a renowned swordswoman known throughout the kingdom. However, there’s something amiss about this…