Three kingdoms story: Conussia Android Port + Mod

“Three kingdoms story”: Conussia is a story about the Hero, who appeared to become involved in to the under-the-carpet battles of Conussia kingdom.King is disappeared, Princess has to become a Queen, but it seems that won’t happen.Army and sorcerers are destroyed, priests and nobles claim to be better rulers, than Princess.And all of them are…

Marriage Or Pervert ~The Small Penis Warrior &The Perverted Magician~

The story is about two childhood friends, Yuria and Hult, that loved each other for a long time, but started dating only recently.Hult is planning to propose to Yuria, but a monster invasion messes up his plans, and they are forced to go on a trip,to defeat the demon responsible for this. During this trip,…

ShotaConQuest ~They're After My Dick!~ Android Port + Mod

It’s been 100 years since the hero Dekachin led the world to peace. Everyone thought that peace would last forever.But that peace didn’t last long.Moonmun Castle was being attacked by the demon king’s men, who had just been resurrected.The adventure of Prince Chota (the main character) began when the soldiers of Moonmun Castle,who had escaped…