Spaced Out v1.00 Android Port

Spaced Out v1.00 Android Port

Spaced Out v1.00 Android Port by

The story is set on a military research space station in Earth’s orbit, whose AI goes haywire and starts killing the personnel. A family manages to lock themselves on a part of the station which is disconnected from the AI control systems but they pay a high price for that – the father remains locked out.

You play as Greg and together with you mom and your step sister, you’ll need to find a way of restoring the section and ultimately taking back control of the station. Earth is reluctant to help since the AI has threatened them that it will fire all the nuclear missiles in case they make an attempt to board the station or destroy it. So the only chance is for the people inside to save themselves.

Spaced Out v1.00 Android Port

Spaced Out DETAILS

  • – RELEASE DATE: 2018-07-04
  • – TRANSLATOR: None
  • – VERSION: v1.00
  • – LANGUAGE: English
  • – OS: Windows, Android, Mac
  • – GENRE: 3DCG, Male protagonist, Sci-fi, Harem, Incest, MILF, Adventure, Big tits, Corruption, Footjob, Handjob, Oral sex, Anal sex, Vaginal sex, Group sex, Interracial, Spanking, Stripping, Voyeurism, Drugs, Lesbian, Sex toys, Sandbox, Titfuck
Spaced Out v1.00 Android Port
Spaced Out v1.00 Android Port



-Various bugfixes.

A new character, more naughty interactions between Greg and his sister, development of the main plot line, and last but not least – sex.
+70 new images.
+30 re-renders for the change of Lana.

Order by Photo Locations, Show Once Game Started.

1. Bunk Room � B.R. (Section Crew Sleep Beds)

2. Master Room - M.R. (Mist-Shower)

3. Dining Room � D.R. (Energy Processor)

4. Communication Room � CC.R. (Contact Earth; VR Projector)

5. Control Room � CT.R. (Solar Panels)

6. Medic Room � MD.R. (Life Support System)

7. VR Room � VR.R.

People Task: Greg (Main Character) - Solar Panel Maintenance; Energy Stored

Lana (Step-Sister) � Living Quarters Maintenance; Life Support System

Amelia (Mother) � Food Preparation; Health Monitoring

Rebecca (Step-Sister�s Mom) � Research and Gather Resources

Repeat A Lot During Gaming: Polish the Solar Panels

(Higher the Panels Percentage, Faster Battery recovers)

Breakfast/Dinner Time

(Mostly All Auto, some dialogue Should know when mission on go)

02:00 will automatically force Greg to sleep

Day 01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

New Mission Added: Simple Clothes (They Needs Clothes)

[Need to Check what clothes can be made by Energy Processor in the Dinning Room (D.R), When nobody in]

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

09:00 (Auto) Breakfast Time

11:00 Go D.R Erase the clothes from program

(The dialogue will tell you to go to CT.R. to wipe the clothes out of the system.)

12:00 Go CT.R. Erase clothes from System

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

19:00 (Auto) Dinner Time

18:00 Talk to earth (They will hang up on you)

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Go to sleep.

Day 02 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Wake up - Sister will complain about her suit again and kind flash her tits.

08:00 Go M.R. Peek on Lana. She gets a bit annoyed at first but it leads to some dialogue later.

10:00 and you can now restore those clothes.

11:00 polishing panels.

13:00 Go to D.R. to make clothes.

16:00 Go to B.R. give the clothes to Lana and get a bit more of a skin show.

17:00 Polish the Solar Panels

19:00 (Auto) Dining Time - giving mother the clothes.

(Simple Clothes End)

23:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Go to sleep.

Day 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Mum locks door to shower so you can't peek but MC can know the door is locked

Polish the Solar Panels

08:00 Peek on sister (Will be told door is locked)

Speak to Earth

New Mission Added: Contact Earth (Day shift not willing to talk, try during the night)

10:00 Polish the Solar Panels

16:00 Polish the Solar Panels

0:00 Speak to Earth to find out the purpose of the station. (Be able to open M.R. whenever you want)

Go to sleep.

Day 4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Peek on mum, automatically Peek on Lana after and mum will catch you.

10:00 Polish the Solar Panels

16:00 Polish the Solar Panels

17:00 Talk to Lana and tell her about Earth at B.R.

(Task do at 16:00 & 17:00 can be switch)

22:00 Polish the Solar Panels (23:00 if Task switched)

00:00 Speak to Earth again (Contact Earth renewed)

Day 5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 (You Peek Both Women During Shower)

10:00 Talk to Lana in VR.R.

11:00 Polish the Solar Panels

17:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Talk to Mother VR.R.

23:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Speak to Earth for make the beach.

(Contact Earth End)

Day 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Polish the Solar Panels or Peek (You Decide)

10:00 Talk to Lana on the beach (VR.R.)

New Mission Added: Lana on the Beach (Clothes for Beach)

11:00 Check for swim wear in CT.R.

13:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Speak to Earth for swim wear.

01:00 Go D.R. make bikini's

Day 7 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Polish the Solar Panels

09:00 (Auto) Breakfast Time hand out bikini's. Mother refused lead to other Earth call.

13:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Speak to Earth.

New Mission Added: Mom on the Beach (Convince Mom to wear the bikinis or Earth might shut us down)

Day 8 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Polish the Solar Panels.

10:00 Talk to Lana on beach (VR.R.) � (Lana on the Beach renewed)

11:00 Go to the shower room.

13:00 Go to VR room and talk to Lana.

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Talk to mother on beach (VR.R.) � (Mon on the Beach renewed)

(21:00 ~ 00:00 Mom will be in M.R, only can hand over Bikini to Mum during this time, If You Make the New Bikini Out)

21:00 Learn how to program in CT.R.

22:00 Polish the Solar Panels

23:00 Learn how to program.

00:00 Speak to Earth.

01:00 Learn how to program.

Day 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Polish the Solar Panels

08:00 Learn how to program

10:00 Learn how to program � Above 30% Success Rate now

(You can try make the new Bikini, but Save before try to make it out, if not success, you can learn a bit more and try later. You can try to make the new Bikini in the Learn how to Program time)

13:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Learn how to program

16:00 Learn how to program

18:00 Learn how to program

20:00 Learn how to program

21:00 Polish the Solar Panels or Go M.R. Give Mom Now Bikini

22:00 Learn how to program

00:00 Learn how to program

Day 10----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Learn how to program

08:00 Peek on Lana in shower and talk to her, after the show cum in your hand. If tempting to spray her but it pisses her off.

10:00 Learn how to program

11:00 Polish the Solar Panels

12:00 Learn how to program � 77% After the Learning

14:00 Learn how to program

16:00 Learn how to program

17:00 Polish the Solar Panels

18:00 Learn how to program

20:00 Learn how to program or Go to beech to see mother if she had the new Bikini

21:00 Make the New bikini, 95% (should be success anyhow)

22:00 Hand over to mom

23:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Talk to Earth.

01:00 Learn how to program, 98%

Day 11----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 spy on mother in shower and talk with her.

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

11:00 Learn how to program � 99% Max, No 100%

12:00 Make New Bikini

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

15:00 Learn how to program

16:00 Make New Bikini, 99%

17:00 Learn how to program

20:00 Talk to mom on the Beach

(Mom on the Beach Closed)

21:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 talk to Earth.

Day 12----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Peek on Mom and Talk to her

All Mission Were Closed/Done

(I messed up a bit with Mission, I will list them out here:

Simple Clothes Contact Earth Lana on the Beach Mom on the Beach

Investigate the Bedroom)

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

10:00 Learn how to program

(it still exist, may arrived 100%, so I still click it, better than nothing to do)

12:00 Learn how to program

14:00 Learn how to program

16:00 Learn how to program

17:00 Learn how to program

18:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Talk to mom on the Beach

21:00 Learn how to program

23:00 Learn how to program

00:00 Talk to Earth

After the Earth conversation you'll have another woman at the door. Check the camera feed.

New Mission Added: Meet Megan

Day 13----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Go to MD.R (Where Megan is) open the door, need to heck, deal to lots of Learning how to program should be easy, if you didn�t learn a lot, may need to save it first)

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

19:00 (Auto) Talk to others about Megan during Dinner Time (Meet Megan renewed)

20:00 Go to MD.R Talk to Megan.

21:00 Go to B.R Talk to Lana (you can ask her what she wants or get a show for undressing)

22:00 Go to D.R check out Energy Processor

23:00 Go to C.R. try to program it for electronics.

00:00 Polish the Solar Panels

Go to sleep.

Day 14----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Talk to Lana as soon as you wake up

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

16:00 Talk to mum about Megan on the beach

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Unlock the door for Megan (Got few Sexual Show then you will get Knock out by Megan)

Meet Megan closed

Day 15----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Polish the Solar Panels

08:00 Peek on Lana (Cum on your hand, Try not to Skip)

(if not, Lana may piss off and not let you Cum after her shower)

09:00 (Auto) Breakfast Time (Story-Line)

13:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

02:00 Got a vision (no idea Dream or What)

Day 16----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Polish the Solar Panels

(Continue Polish the Solar Panels few days until result out or new staff come. Feel free to peek on their shower or the View on the Beach)

Day 18----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

13:00 Polish the Solar Panels

19:00 Dinner Time you will meet Rebecca. (Talk to Rebecca, you can ask all 3 question)

20:00 Ask Rebecca for help and charge the suit (it's for things like this we're constantly panel polishing).

21:00 Polish the Solar Panels

23:00 (Auto) Talk to mother

Day 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Some Error Appear on the Game, it should be Day 19) ---------------------------------------------

07:00 Got thrown out no matter what you pick

(Didn�t see options of Polish the Solar Panels)

10:00 Talk to Rebecca about dreams

12:00 Rebecca Taking shower in M.R. (No harm for go inside)

00:00 Meet Rebecca

(A bit show when you slept � Megan & Susan)

Day 19----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Meet Rebecca renewed

07:00 Got thrown out again

08:00 Polish Panels are back, So Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Speak to Earth

Day 20----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

08:00 Ask Rebecca about her trip

10:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Ask Rebecca for a show

16:00 Polish the Solar Panels

22:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 (Auto) When you go to sleep, there will be a Auto story line show up

Day 21----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

8:00 Polish the Solar Panels (You will see Mom in beach, but it was an Error unfixed Bug)

10:00 Make the vibrator.

13:00 Give the vibrator to Lana on the Beach

Lana�s Vibrations renewed: meet her in her shower

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Talk to Earth

Meet Rebecca renewed: Talk to Rebecca in CT.R.

Day 22----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Got thrown out

08:00 Peek on Lana

Lana�s Vibrations End

10:00 Polish the Solar Panels

16:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Talk to Rebecca in CT.R.

Day 23----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Got thrown out

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Meet Rebecca on the beech to set up game.

00:00 Meet Rebecca in CT.R. to play the game

(Require 850kWh and at less 100% in Panels)

(It will be a Dice Game, Easy to Win if Backward before the Dice Renew, can be save to Enjoy again if want to)

Day 24----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Got thrown out

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

Day 25----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Got thrown out

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Talk to Rebecca for another game

15:00 Polish the Panels

21:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Meet Rebecca in CT.R. You can pick Rebecca or Lana to play next game

(Require 550kWh for Rebecca/800kWh for Lana and at less 100% Panels)

(It will be a Poker Dice Game, if chose Lana; Rebecca will be same as last game)

Day 26----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

Day 27----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

17:00 Talk to Rebecca for another game

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Meet Rebecca in CT.R. You can pick Rebecca or Lana to play next game

(Require 550kWh for Rebecca or Lana and at less 100% Panels)

(Game Not Changed, should be easy to win if you know how)

Day 28----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Got thrown out

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

09:00 (Auto) An auto-story line Started

New Mission Added: Lana�s Kidnap (Lana got taken by Cyborg Susan)

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

17:00 Rebecca up for the Game at midnight (feel wired she still up after daughter got Kidnaped)

20:00 Polish the Solar Planes

00:00 ask Earth for help.

Day 29----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Talk to Rebecca about Earth�s deal

15:00 Polish the Solar Panels

21:00 Polish the Solar Panels

Day 30----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

07:00 Let her know you are awake

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 ask Earth about the plans.

Day 31----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

11:00 Meet Rebecca in MD.R.

Go to the bedroom (Your decision to join or watch)

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

00:00 Speak to Earth

Lana�s Kidnap End

New Mission Added: Make a Plan

Day 32----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

20:00 Talk to Mom on beach

21:00 Polish the Solar Panels

Day 33----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

15:00 (Auto) Training on the beach

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

22:00 Talk to Mom in her room.

Day 34----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

08:00 Polish the Solar Panels

14:00 Polish the Solar Panels

15:00 (Auto) Training on the beach

Make a Plan renewed: Wait for Rebecca Make Cameras

20:00 Polish the Solar Panels

22:00 Head to M.R. (Auto) Rebecca talk to You (Some Nice Story Line, try not skip)

Day 35----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

14:00 Talk to Rebecca for setting up VR.R.

(Auto After the Talk) � (Game On, Blackjack) � (Should save somewhere else. First Story Line ends, I guess)

(Still goes as Auto) - Lana returns and shoots you -> Greg show up in other Room, following Tiara�s order -> � �

(No idea what is going on, and no days or time appear anymore)

(Following you may able to save and go through all options)

After Story Line Passed You got to Choose - Confront Her (Lana) or Let it Go

Look for Lana / Look for Megan / Look for Jack (Few other scenes, Story line should be Lana)

You can choose Rebecca or Mom to stay with

(Here should be the Second Story Line. They show different marks to First Story Line)

(I Start with Both, By Saving in Two lines * Three Slot)

(Five Camera can be seen, may increase later, only can be check after night)

(Don�t Cum. If want to cum, better save)

1st Camera Check � (1/2 different - 3/4/5 same) Check 2

Solved-15% Stress-20 Arousal-20

2nd Camera Check � (Nothing Change compare to First Check) Check 1

S-15% S-30 A-50

3rd Camera Check � (No Change, 2 went short) Check 3

S-16% S-55 S-60


Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:

  1. Extract/Install.
  2. Crack if needed.
  3. Play game.
  4. Have fun ^^.

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