Phantom Thief Ren v1.0.3 Android Port + Mod + Việt Hóa by
Ren continues her journey to become a legendary thief. With the magical power given to her by the fox fairy Konta, the evil organization “Hachikyo” must be destroyed!
What awaits you in the dungeon of the mansion? Traps and many unique characters! If you get caught, they will do naughty things to you!
Use your transformation, attacks, skills, and spells to steal the secrets of Hachikyo!

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v1.0.3 (TL v1)
Initial release
Translated using @dazedanon‘s GPT MTL tool. Some of manual edits to fix errors and incosistencies, plugins translated by @Kryomancer. The game should be 100% translated and understandable, though not necessarily perfect. Keyboard & gamepad rebind menu is not translated, but it shouldn’t be needed as it’s standard RPGMaker fare and they are fairly self-explanatory. Calling card images left untranslated because the characters read them out in text anyways. I went over the main story content to ensure there should not be any egregious mistakes, quality control on the endless moans in the H-scenes might be a tad bit more lax. If you notice any problems, message me and I’ll see if I can fix it.
Don’t need a full save for the scenes, the recollection room has an unlock switch (talk to Kon).
Yeah, you have to lose for a big number of the scenes, but at least the girl is cute.
Mod Note:
Mod only available on Android:
Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:
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Thanks for adding this game, gotta play now