Dungeon Explorers v1.1 Android Port by h-game18.xyz
An escaped slave seeks revenge against the masters, but first he must gather a warband to go to war.

- FixedName the character
Dungeon Explorers Details

Dungeon Explorers Free Download
Key Mega:
- 4DBE5
New event;
New item;
Fixed some typos;
New Sylas scene at the orc’s festival;
New Sylas scene at the Natharia’s dinner;
New service on Lust tent;
New Mervina events;
New Seer hints;
To avoid soft lock, you cannot sell quest key items anymore;
The guild master now take the quest items at the end of the missions;
Reduced even more the number of monsters on event areas to lower the grind;
The monsters was moved to the caves, so it’s optional to hunt them;
Rebalanced some loots;
Raised Camila and Hecate Max HP;
Flavio, Pawn Shop, secondary quest now give 1000 Gilpars to village coffers;
Locked the exit crystal from the Tower of Shadow if you don’t have the Ancient Book;
Changed the quest Orc’s at our doors, now you only need Mercenaries to attack;
The Pit Mummy don’t show quest progress anymore if you chose to destroy the orcs;
Add a dialogue about the Ancient Dragon Stone location;
Fixed Ionia castle library curtains;
Fixed Ionia castle events;
Fixed Ionia castle anomaly battle;
Fixed being defeated by the Chaos Monster on the Tower of Elements soft locking progress;
Fixed Freya Tily event that could soft lock progress if she already left the party;
Fixed some resting times don’t reseting fatigue;
Fixed some typos;
Fixed some Hints out of order from the Seer;
Fixed some sound effects;
Fixed some characters common dialogues;
Fixed some text format.
Add new enemies;
Add new events;
Add new items;
Game is completed. Further support and bugfix will be exclusive for Patreons.
Reduced Church price;
Add starting village funds;
Add a character Story Helper(Opala, near graveyard);
Add Guild system;
Add new maps;
Add new itens;
Add new enemies;
Add new characters
Add new H-scenes;
Add new events;
Removed the option to kill Yuki;
Removed the option to kill Hecate;
Removed the option of refuse Athena;
Gilpar gain increased;
Add a lot of new events;
Add new H-scenes;
Add new itens;
Add new skills;
Add new monsters;
Add new characters;
A lot of story progression;
A lot of bugfix (sorry for the buggy v.05)
Vendetta quest done;
Now Cheat Money add to the village coffers too;
Add Cheat Item List;
Add New village upgrade;
Add Village buildings;
Add More farms for village money management;
Add Village shops;
Add Rune enchantment system;
Add New itens;
Add New enemies;
Add New maps;
Add New characters;
Add New quests;
Add New Events;
Add New H-scenes;
Add A lot of story progression;
Some bugfix.
Major map change: Road to Tily;
Reduced monsters on: Road to Tily, Hills, Forest;
Reduced collectables on: Road to Tily, Forest;
Improved performance on old machines;
If your game seens faster, use FPS Synch, options menu;
Changed Hecate encounters;
Quest “Orcs at our doors” finished;
Add Luck Training;
Add new follower, Athena;
Add Dungeon map and floors;
Add Orc’s Tribe map;
Add Pit map;
Add new characters;
Add new quests;
Add new itens;
Add new enemies;
Add new H-scenes;
Add new events;
Some bugfix.
Skill Mastery: Skills level up and get stronger when used;
Add Hide Text: Press SHIFT to hide/show;
Add passive skills to learn via Learning Skills;
Add equipment upgrade hammer;
New village building options: Church, Farm, Houses;
Number of monsters reduced at night if hired Freya mercenaries;
Add dialogue directions to the player don’t get lost on what to do next;
Add details to the character creation choices;
Add new interactions in Your House;
Add Road potion vendor;
Add Road map boards;
Add new itens;
Add carriage travel to Marovia;
Unlocked Lake map;
Unlocked Dark Forest map;
Unlocked Marovia map;
Unlocked Road to Marovia map;
Old Stella titjob CG changed for a new one;
1 Olga event;
1 Leandro event;
3 Camila scenes;
1 Hecate scene;
1 Freya scene;
1 Mervina scene;
Add 3 quests;
Add Defense Training;
Add Patreon cheat code;
Some bugfix.
Blacksmith unlocked;
Player House unlocked;
New itens add;
New Upgrade equipment system add;
Village coffers add;
HP training add;
New quest;
Serana event;
2 Freya events;
2 Hecate scenes;
2 Mervina scenes;
2 Olga scenes;
1 Stella scene;
1 Natharia scene;
Money and drops fix;
Some bugfix.
Sell shops are now exchange shops;
Hills map finished;
Unlocked Jewellery Shop;
Unlocked Pawn Shop;
Unlocked Adventurer’s Guild;
Unlocked Attack Training Field
Passive skills add;
Skills to learn add;
Rebalanced itens price, buy and sell;
Rebalanced MC and monsters power to be less grindy;
Elemental bosses in maps add status up at win;
Add more magic itens, drop and teasure chests;
Add companions Camila, Hecate and Freya;
Add 3 Hecate scenes;
Add 3 Freya Scenes;
Add 2 Mervina scenes;
Add 1 Natharia scene;
Add 1 Stella scene;
Add 1 Yuki scene;
Add 3 quests;
Add 7 events;
Some bugfix.
Olga Scene; Stella scene; Natharia scene; Mervina scene.
Tily unlocked.
-About the buildings that you buy from Naboku, they are just to give you taxes, new events and new allies, they are bonus to the village and new resourcers for you, so, yeah, you can’t visit them. I don’t wanted to get things over my head.
-I’m getting better with the images, getting and editing it!
-I’m getting better in english, but still work in progress.
-About my work time. Some people follow my posts in forum and game plataforms out there, and ask why i’m playing another games and not working on my own. First, game dev is not a WORK for me, i don’t get enough from Patreon to make it a job, so i have a real job and work on my games on my free time. As game dev is not my job, i use my free time to have fun too. I love to play indie adult games, so, yeah, you will see me giving review on other adult games, with many hours of gameplay. I know that you want DUEX updates to come early as possible, but i don’t earn enough as game dev to give it my full time. That’s why you will see me playing and posting on another games. Maybe in the future i earn enough to focus my work time on game dev, but it’s not the scenary for now.
-Read the tags. Do you see Ai cg tag? Do you don’t like Ai cgs? Don’t click. Do you see the Animated tag? No? Then don’t complain about static images. I know it’s something dumb to say, but there’s a lot of dumb reviews out there.
For the new Explorers!
-The equipment that the optimize options select for you don’t has to be the best equipment set for your party. Optimize looks only on the status bonus, not on magical effect of the equipments. Equip your team to follow your strategy in battle.
Have fun~~
Heya! Your shameless dev here, with some infos!
– I must be clear here, this is not a porn game with RPG elements, it’s a RPG game with porn elements. So, yeah, you will have to work for the H-scenes. Go on an adventure, my friend!
– The magical ring of Dagundar was not bugged, the idea was that you lose the ring with the destruction of the second equipment cart. I’ll change that, so you can keep the ring. Sadly, who already had done the event, there’s no way to get the ring. Sorry about that, but it’s the con about playing a game in development.
– Caution when using Shift while in a text event, cause Shift hide the text and will looks like you game has frozen. You can use Shift to run if you want or set ON the Always Dash on Options, what seens better for you. Shift hide the text box only when there’s a dialogue or some text event, and you can press Shift again any time to bring the box back, easy peasy.
– This line is to thank you all for the incredible feedbacks you gave me, you are amazing guys! Thanks to you the game is getting better and better! Stay with me, and lets keep having fun together on this fantastic world that you named by vote, now called: VESPERIA!
– Now we have a nice old lady to help you if you get lost and don’t know what to do next. I don’t like the idea of a walkthrough outside the game, it’s a immersion breaker for me, that’s why here we have this cool lady to give you some hints for the main quest. ATTENTION, if you just do what she says, you will lose a lot of side events. It’s a RPG, so go on an adventure and explore around!
Some help for new Explorers!
-Dark Forest: Advance on the quests in the village, then talk to Ricardo at the Adventurer’s Guild, he’ll mark in your map the Dark Forest location.
-Find Athena: Build the church and meet the lovely bishop at village entrance.
-You don’t need to grind to follow the story. If you stay low level, the monsters will stay low level too. But it’s a RPG, if you want to get stronger, you must go on monster hunting.
Have fun~~
Heya! Your shameless dev here with some cool infos:
-If you game seens too fast, active the FPS Synch in the Options menu.
-If the game is too hard because the enemies level progression, you can change the difficult in the Options menu.
-My english is work in progress, and i’m trying to not depend that much of translators.
-I’m getting better on imagem editing to bring better quality imagens, even it being promped.
-The bugs in version v.05 have been fixed, but you need to load a save from before the bug to see the effects. Sorry about that.
-Congrats to me! It’s the 6 month since i started making games knowing nothing about game dev! Great results for half a year experience, huh? And it will get even better! Yeey!
-The AI images are just 10% of the entire work on the game. Try it and have fun, you can skip the AI cg scenes if you want.
You can explore a dungeon;
Upgrade your village;
Buy new buildings;
Gather materials;
Explore dangerous places full of monsters;
Craft potions;
Improve your gear with the blacksmith;
Treasure hunting;
Fishing to relax;
Know friends and foes;
And make decisive choices!
What can be more fun than that?! Don’t answer this.
About the update 06.
You need to pay the 60$ tier to see all content in this ver-NAH, kidding, kidding.
In v.06 i played around with a VN style for the events, letting you take a break of gathering materials, exploring the dungeon, hunting treasure, getting money, killing monsters and… Well, the good and old grinding way that we all love.
On this version you will have only a few fights, depending on the past decisions you did in the game at now. Per exemple, if you nailed in the Noble Council, you will have only 1 Noble House as enemy. But if you was not that well… Some fights awaits you.
This time i took a day off to relax before testing the game. I played it all from the begning at the end of this version. Of course, with a clean save, everything flowed smooth, BUT, with old saves, some bugs can happen(i do hope not). Let me know if you find some bug, i will try to fix it ASAP.
About the game in general.
Some of you know, mostly the veterans, that some events with the girls are hidden around the maps. If you did not know, well, now you do. Take your time before upgrading the village. Take a time to explore the nice places with the girls, like a lake or the beach. The events will active if you have the right girl for that event in your party.
Some help for new Explorers.
-The Ancient bow quest: You will find a hole on the ground near the lake at the forest, go for it and try to find the bow.
-Mercenary quest: Freya will be back from hunting after you upgrade the village.
-If you are lost and don’t know what to do, talk to the people in the village from time to time.
-The crops grow faster if you stay still looking at them. Why? Because plants have feelings too!
-How to get money for the village? Sell the crates of your haverst season! And from the taxes that you get automaticly.
-The end game monsters are in the dungeon. If you can beat the monsters in the last floor of the dungeon, you can beat any enemy in the game. Just remember about the level progression.
-More buildings for the village means more taxes or new allies and events.
-Don’t rush through the village upgrades, every new upgrade there’s new hidden events in the village map, and you will lose these events from one upgrade to another.
With all this said, you are ready to start the new version, v.06!
Have fun~~
It was to come early, but my computer got some problems that i had to format it, and, guess what? Of course it caused problems to install everything back! But don’t worry, it took me just a few days to get everything running again. Every month a new challenge, but the update is here! Enjoy~~
I do wanted this update to be bigger, but i had fall ill for 2 weeks, so for 2 weeks i did nothing in the project. If nothing bad happens, the next update will be bigger. Have fun~~
About the game. It have farming system, fishing system, village upgrade system, territory expansion system, training system, dungeon crawling, management system, skill learning system, and a lot of sex with beautiful girls.
This update was troublesome. My game archives got corrupted because a blackout. I’ve to make almost everything twice. This update was to be bigger, but i can’t get time to remake everything what i had done before. Yet, i hope you enjoy it.
The Art
I’m not an artist, so there’s nothing i can do for now about the art, we will still use generated images. I’m learning how to edit it to make the cg acceptable. I opened a Patreon and Subscristar to raise funds to hire true artists to get oc’ cg’s and no more have to use ai images. If you like the game but the ai images bother you, now you can help us to fix this.
The Writing
I’m getting better at english. I’ve always said that my english is good, but when i’ve started writing this story in english, i’ve seen the only thing advanced was my reading and listening, not my writing and talking. I’ve found an ai for spell check with suggestions, but as an ai, it’s not perfect. It helps me when i don’t know what word i use to express what i’m trying to say.
There are many more things to come. We just started the game, it will get better and better over time. Thank you all for your feedback.
Have a great game.
With affection;
C.M.Cas Games
English is not my first language.
I’m making this game to practice my English.
I started using RPG Maker just 2 months ago.
Knowing all of this, I hope you enjoy the game and have fun. Good game.
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I can’t get pass name characher
U can’t type in ur name in the beginning on phone so ur just stuck there
U can’t type in ur name in the beginning on phone so ur just stuck there
stuck on name character