Defenestration v0.5d Android Port free download at
“Defenestration is set in a futuristic soviet union, the player takes up a role of Kira, young promising girl fresh out of school. Help her get on her feet in unfamiliar megapolis, dealing with various day-to-day problems and different characters. Some will try to help you, some to corrupt you (mainly the second one).” “The game is planned to be choice based and semi-open worlded. Which means no combat system. Current version has at least five hour of gameplay.”

Defenestration DETAILS

Defenestration FREE DOWNLOAD
Key Mega:
v0.5e hotfix
– Fixed the bug where the bed was just removing Kira’s panties because it felt like it
– Fixed a bug with an infinite loop due to Kira not having any special thoughts unlocked
– Fixed an endless loop during Chief Officer 3 event
– Added 5 random default one-liners
– Fixed Legion subway Nun head glitch in cases where Kira has pink hair.
– Night Park event teleport fix
– Fixed a bug that locked Kira’s closet during the “Basic Instinct” quest
– Fixed a bug where the museum shirt was replacing the Farm outfit’s top part.
– Fixed a bug where Kira became a floating head in one of Napoleon dialogues
– Fixed a bug where nipple rings were always shown during Farm milking H-events, even when Kira didn’t have them.
Note: I updated the download link in the main post and you can read the main changelog in it as well (just below this post).
– New sleeping art for Kira (layered)
By default, Kira sleeps wearing a “nightgown” and under the blanket
Kira can sleep without a blanket
Kira can sleep without panties
Kira can sleep without a bra
Kira can sleep with Katya
All option are customizable via the dorm clock
– Updated the dorm intro to explain all of the above (and fixed some typos)
– Updated all existing instances where something wakes Kira up at the dorm (Party quest, Legion, etc.)
– Updated the natural “no panties” fetish acquisition
Condition: Kira sleeps without panties (“nightgown” ones)
Short daily thoughts from “Lust” for the first 9 days
Mini H-event on day 10 that adds “No panties” fetish to Kira
– Added a first regular intro short “sleep” event
– Added a first short “sleeping with Katya” event
– Added the exhibitionism sleep thought
Condition: Kira has any exhibitionism fetish (Chief Officer events)
– Added the public use sleep thought
Condition: Kira has “public use” fetish (Benevolence training event, New You)
– Added the lactation sleep thought
Condition: Kira is lactating
This one gets extended if Kira has “lactation” Fetish
– Added the cum sleep thought (on face or breasts)
Condition: Kira is sleeping while covered in cum
– Added the creampie sleep thought
Condition: Kira is sleeping with vaginal cum
This one gets extended if Kira has “pregnancy” Fetish
– Moana went through the entire game and fixed all instances she could find where Kira’s dialogue art was still glitching due to Kira saying multiple lines in a row. (This was a huge piece of work that she was doing over the course of multiple months). If you still encounter Kira’s bust glitching, please report this.
Note: The dreams vary in length, some have “first time/second time” logic, others have two different options. For now, the probability of them happening is guaranteed, because the update is about them.
We can add sleeping pills that would just skip the dream part, we can put the dreams on an rng probability or both. It all depends on how you feel about them, so please do share your feedback!
Note: Pretty much everything is tied to “sleep” (quests, events, stats), we had to test and fix the entire game on all routes to ensure that nothing gets broken, but it’s possible that we missed something or that one of our bug fixes broke something else. I hope that’s not the case, but please do report on any bugs you may find.
Save Files work, just copy your entire “save” folder from the older version into the new one.
– ”Militia” Random NPC Dialogue art
– Animated cut-in (10 frames)
– Lewd Militia harassment event
– Not Lewd Militia harassment event
– Bugfixes
– Reduced the size of some game files (better/faster loading, optimization)
Conditions: The lewd event can happen at the very start of the game with a certain % probability every time you enter the Residential Area location. The non-lewd one requires the party quest to be completed, otherwise it has the same conditions.
– 273 pages of script.
– 218 new pics
– 117 updated pics
– The end of “A Modest Proposal” Main quest.
– Start of a “Counter Offer” Side quest.
– Katya Scissors H-event
Repeatable version
– “Mind” Sexposition event
– “Secret” Augs shop H-event (path exclusive)
12 somewhat different versions, we only did the 4 ones that focus on Kira.
– Second prison pole H-event:
Humiliation 1
Stage2 (repeatable)
Humiliation 2
Stage2 (repeatable)
Stage2 (temporarily repeatable)
Stage2 (repeatable)
– Updated and layered Katya’s character art
Different outfits based on her place (dorm, prison, shop)
Ability to be transformed in the future
– New layered NPC “Shwift/Polina”
Different outfit based on what Kira is wearing
Ability to be transformed in the future
– Update Some Older Katya H-events
Augs’s shop
Prison pole
– New “Carrying people” pose for Kira’s dialogue art
– New T-shirt (path exclusive)
– Preview of “Fetish Removal” System
– Preview of “Consent form”
– Re-coded every single line of dialogue Katya says in game to support new layered art
– Re-coded every single picture Kira’s dialogue art has to fix the dialogue glitch.
– Kira’s dialogue art logic overhaul:
bust positioning is now available
opacity expression change
poses integration with other busts
– Added Kira’s sprites for different hair colors
– Added Kira’s naked sprite for 3 major breast sizes
– Deleted confusing and outdated hints and cheats
-282 new pictures;
-16 pages of script;
– Layered the branching H-event from a previous update;
– Added text references to Kira’s appearance in a Modest Proposal quest (cum, pregnancy, some fetishes, whether or not her breasts are out and body writings);
– Added new and updated NPC artworks:
- Koba;
- Vice;
- Prison “Pole Girl”;
- Random male rebel;
– Misc things:
- Upgraded the ”Pole Girl” case file from the “New You” quest;
- Added visuals for a Guard note during “A Modest Proposal”;
- Added alternative character art for Razin (if you chose to fight him after the prison);
- Animated expression changes during “harassment” events;
- Fixed a bug with a “night” not triggering properly while in prison;
- Added more text that explains when and where to go during the prison quest;
- Deleted “hints” from prison (they are no longer needed);
- Made Liuda and Nayda slightly smaller (As requested);
- Retroactively changed the Pole Girl’s real name from Taylor to Polina;
- I asked Moana to rename Charisma to Kirisma, but she just gave me a really disappointed look. Still, I’m gonna be optimistic and say that there’s a 50% chance that this change was implemented!
– Layered Shower events
– 270 new pictures
– 22 edited pictures
– Added “dirt removal” shower mini-animation (lather, body writings, milk, cum)
– New “Mother Pregnancy” Vivarium event
– 30 pages of script
– 235 pictures
– This event gives Kira “Pregnancy” fetish.
– Added “Pregnancy fetish” to the game
– Unlocks more “pink text” in relevant Vivarium events (in random “Nelson” H-event etc.)
Note: This version only changes the shower artwork, it doesn’t do anything else.
– Changed Kira’s hair in all 5 Shower poses
– Made Kira’s skin more “wet” in all shower poses
– Changed one of the poses into a different one
– Other minor visual fixes (collarbones, sink, hips, etc.)
touch screen usage:
- the <esc> key and therefore opening the game menu is emulated with tapping with 2 fingers on the screen.
- you can also toggle the textbox with a two-finger-tap™.
- to toggle Kira’s image you have 3 buttons (the right one is still inactive) when on a game map. a forth appers later when you have the SquatBoi – Chief edition.
- to open the message back-log use either the game menu entry or swipe left during dialogue/choice/input.
with swiping up/down you can scroll the log page wise.
you close the log by swiping right.
Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:
- Extract/Install.
- Crack if needed.
- Play game.
- Have fun ^^.
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