A Simple Life with My Unobtrusive Sister v0.25 Android Port by h-game18.xyz
Living with your sister x action battle x roguelike x open world fantasy RPG game!
The player plays a solo adventurer in the dungeon while living with his sister.
In order to cure his sister’s special constitution,
he constantly searches for materials to make the all-purpose elixir “red cerebrospinal fluid” in the Abyss.
If he cannot complete it within the time limit, his sister…!

A Simple Life with My Unobtrusive Sister Details

A Simple Life with My Unobtrusive Sister Free Download
Key Mega:
Added interaction events with the sister after obtaining the game console.
Added the option and event for taking a bath with the sister.
Added the bathroom scene and related events.
Fixed some leftover bugs from version 0.1.
Completely reworked the ARPG system; please be patient as content is added.
Added new monster types.
Added new map types.
This update fixes almost all known bugs since version V0.1, making it a stable version to play. However, due to limited manpower, there may still be some bugs we haven’t discovered. You can leave feedback in the comments section of this post or join NLCH’s Discord server. We’ll fix any issues as quickly as possible.
Please note not to use old version save files, as this might cause old bugs to reappear. For your convenience, you can now hold down the ALT key to play the game at three times the speed, but be aware that this feature might make the game unstable, so use it at your discretion.
Original illustrator group NLCH,is creating cute&ecchi waifus,mainly post uncensored doujinshi and illustration
Original fan project “Countercurrent Tea Party”, mainly publishes fan books and illustrations of Countercurrent Tea Party on Patreon
She is an illustrator and manga artist and is currently active in the doujin circle “Gyakuryu Chakai.” She publishes doujinshi and illustrations of Gyakuryu Chakai on Patreon.
Everyone, come and play! ·Feel free to join the fun! ·Everyone is welcome to come and play!
Read the FAQ on the Blog Menu for settings. Usually players only need to install the following steps:
Game lỗi r pro, ko có nút di chuyển, r đang đọc thì nó bị lỗi gì đó đứng game luôn
game cant be played after the 2d rpg mode
Game ko có nút di chuyển ad ư
Mong ad fix
Ad lên bản mới đi có 3. r đó
Error in days 2 this game admin
Sửa lỗi game được ko ad
Tớ đợi bản 0.27b được chia sẻ sẽ làm lại. Bản 0.25 này bị lỗi ở ngày 2 và nếu ở bản 0.27b ko fix được tớ sẽ đóng bản android.
Ooo i see
đây là bản demo hay bản chính thức đấy ad
Không phải demo vì nó đề là 0.25. Bạn đừng tải nhé, đợi có phiên bản nào ổn định tớ sẽ port lại.
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Link nè ad bản mới ad coi phải không
update phiên bản đi ad ơi
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Cập nhật bản v0.45 beta đi ad